When you join my virtual squad, you’ll get to experience my unique style of coaching along with workouts that will transform your body in ways you never thought possible. The Lacey Stone Fitness virtual training platform includes a psychological approach to health that isn’t just about getting your body into the best shape of your life (although it will if you stick with me!), but also coaches you to become the absolute best version of yourself—physically, personally, and professionally. When you invest in your health and overcoming your unique obstacles, you’ll begin to see improvement in every single area of your life. I’m so honored you chose me and my squad to help you find your inner superhero!
Camp Challenges
The LSF virtual training platform cycles through multiple individual camp challenges throughout each year, including:
- RESETS: 1-week camp challenges with 3 squad workouts
- REBOOTS: 2-week camp challenges with 6 squad workouts
- 1 Month Missions: 4-week camp challenges with 8 squad workouts
- 8 Weeks To Change: 2-month camp challenges with 16 squad workouts (one per year)
You may be joining the squad during any of these challenges or in between! Program overviews will be provided at the beginning of camps, and I will guide you through everything you need to know for each one.
On-Demand and Limited-Release Content
In addition to camp challenges, you have constant access to a number of different on-demand workout series, including Curated Body-Part Specific Workouts with bodyweight, bands, and weights; surprise limited-release, special-edition workouts; and more. If you sign up in between a camp challenge, you may pick up with the last camp’s content for as long as it’s live OR start getting acquainted with my teaching style by working out to the additional content series before our next camp begins. Keep an eye out on the platform and my social pages for upcoming dates.
The final 2 components to my program may be the most important:
Huddles are weekly shows on the platform that cover the fitness- and wellness-related questions that matter to YOU. We’ll talk about everything from how to eat for optimal results and why lifting heavy weights is important to the mind-body connection, intensity, life obstacles, and beyond!
The Forums are where you can ask and answer questions, meet your fellow squad members, and engage with me and each other! Taking part in the Forums is beyond important—a plethora of research shows that people who have a community surrounding their fitness goals are more likely to meet their personal success markers and stick with it!
In my program, you must invest in a good pair of training shoes, also sometimes called cross-trainers. In addition to heavy weights, my workouts include dance, plyometrics, and floor work—if you wear running shoes or something else, you could risk injury. Plus, new shoes are always fun. 😉
My workouts also require equipment—let’s face it, bodyweight workouts only get you so far. If you want to see real change, not only in your strength but also in the shape of your body, it’s time to incorporate a few core pieces that will be a small monetary investment in the short term, but a major investment in your health and wellness in the long term. Some of these items you may already have on hand, and the others you can pick up on Amazon and have shipped directly to you!
- Exercise Mat
- Bench or Workout Step
- Light-Resistance Band
- Booty Band
- Dumbbells (Beginners: I suggest starting with 8-lb. weights, then graduating from there)
- Medicine Ball (Beginners: I suggest starting with a 6- or 8-lb. ball)
Clean eating is queen. I encourage you to consult with a doctor or nutritionist if you specific have dietary restrictions, but beyond that, my method is to not over-complicate things. During camps, I require you to commit to eating as I will instruct you. Stay tuned.
This week, your mission is to clear the junk out of your home…. And don’t kid yourself or your coach! We all know what qualifies as junk and I want you to take control starting NOW.
If you aren’t already, make sure to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Use hashtags #StoneTone and #StoneToneSquad to connect with our worldwide squad and tag me whenever possible—I love to repost and engage when I see you all engage with me!
-Coach Lacey