I was a professional trainer in this before picture. And I’m still a professional trainer now. I was strong then, and I’m strong now. But the difference between then and now is I knew I had more in me, more to give, more to achieve. So I buckled down and did it….
My entire #ComebackCamp programming started as an experiment on myself, which resulted in the transformation you see here. It’s the same program I’ve developed to transform you guys, my LA and virtual squads, and there are 5 key principles I teach you to follow.
I’ve gotten to where I am by pushing myself to my limits, but also by listening to my body. In my camps, I teach my clients what it takes to get into the best shape of their lives. That means they have to learn to listen to their bodies when they need rest and when their bodies are ready to push…. But I’m also training them HARD and pushing them to a place where they have to step up. When you go beyond your limit, you either sink or swim. No one sinks on my squad…. They just learn how to swim better (sports anology, no?)
My body has changed so much over the years because I slowly made the necessary changes to be at my physical peak.
- From years of sports, I already had the lean muscle mass; I just couldn’t seem to get the body fat down with lifting weights and cardio alone. So I learned through trial and error that I need to do 5-6 hours of HIIT cardio workouts/week. I had to build up the stamina to do that, and that’s what I train my LA local and virtual teams to do.
- I learned that starving myself made me a bitch and eating too much made me feel defeated…. So I promised myself I would find a way to eat that allowed me to feel satisfied but not out of control.
- The Klean LA food program was a game changer for me. I ate it in my first 8 Weeks To Change, which was an experiment on myself, and I immediately felt like a new person. I didn’t have to think about portion sizes anymore and I didn’t feel like I was absolutely starving with my hard workouts. I mean, I was a little hungry (which is NECESSARY…if you’re never hungry, let’s face it: You’re eating too much), but I could see the body I always wanted coming out so that kept me motivated.
- To be the best you can be isn’t just about how you look, so I also added the element to my program of giving 100% energy and love to whatever you do. That way, even if you don’t feel like you succeeded in one area of your life, you gave it your all and that’s all you can do. To consistently fight for good in your life, in my opinion, is the only way to live it. Why else would we be put on this planet?
- The game changer for my body to look and perform the way it does today is (and I know you don’t want to hear this, but)…I don’t drink that much. Not drinking gives me sooo much clarity in my life and when I wake up I’m ready to go. I don’t feel like I’m hungover or foggy. I mean, I don’t not drink ever but it’s not every week. And now my tolerance is so low I can really only have one. Haha! When you cleanse your system and live your life for long enough without it, you realize you don’t really need it and more than 2 drinks feels kind of toxic in your system.
It took me about 3 years to master all of these principles. For some of you, it could happen quicker, and for some of you it will happen slower. But I promise if you can find a way to make these 5 principles part of your being, you will succeed in ways you didn’t even know you could. Take it from me…I was a professional trainer in my before picture and I’m a professional trainer now. All of us have it within us to take all parts of our being to the next level.
To get started today, you can join my virtual squad here. Your after is going to thank you.
-Coach Lacey