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Week 1: Test Day, #8WeeksToChange


8 Weeks, 2 HIIT Workouts/ Week = 16 Workouts Total


WEEK 1 – You must Start Somewhere.

Test Day: Let me personally guide you through Day 1 of 8 Weeks To Change. This is what 8 Weeks To Change feels like with my Teams in LA & NY:  GET INSPIRED

WHAT’S IN STORE TODAY: Tally your 5 scores from each fitness catagory. Keep your scores handy as we’ll be repeating this workout this week and at the end of the 8 Weeks To Change Program.

Your 2nd Workout this week will be a repeat of Test Day. Do your best to beat your Day 1 Scores. For the next 8 weeks I will give you a new HIIT Workout every week. I want you to do each new workout a total of 2 times before the next weeks workout. All 8 workouts are designed to improve your fitness in todays 5 category Test.

My 1st Book: #8WeeksToChange Guide To A Better Life is coming out very soon. This will be a great asset to your success in the program.

Take Before & After pictures, let me know how you’re doing. This is why I do what I do… Making the world a better place through sweat.

FINAL NOTE: Thank you for taking on this challenge with me and my #TeamLacey Fab 5. I  want to help you guys get fit and live healthier. Be sure to  SUBSCRIBE to my channel, I promise to deliver you awesome consistent workouts, motivation, & love. JOIN THE LOVE ARMY.

And, HIT ME UP on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter:
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